Investing in mutual funds is one ideal way to make your money work for you. You just invest your money in a mutual fund of your choice and watch your money grow through time. Let the expert people in the mutual fund company manage your money and continue doing things that you love. If investing in stocks seems complicated for you to comprehend, then investing in mutual fund is the wise thing to do. You just open an account in a reputable mutual fund company, put money into it regularly and you are good to go. Just by saving regularly to your mutual fund account, you are slowly building your personal wealth which you could use in the near future as retirement fund, education fund, travel fund, etc. But before you invest in a mutual fund company, make sure that you know what you are doing – that you know the risks involved like the potential to lose money. Do not invest your hard-earned money in something that you really not understand. If it is difficult for you to understand this mutual fund thing, talk to a SEC licensed investment solicitor or mutual fund representatives. They will help you understand the fundamentals of mutual fund and they will even assist you in opening your first mutual fund account.
In the Philippines, there are several mutual fund companies registered in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the government agency that safeguards the rights of the investing public. Do not invest in a mutual fund company not registered in the SEC and make sure the you verify the identity of any person or mutual fund representative that solicits investment from you. With the many scams we heard in the news, it is better to be careful than be sorry in the end. Below is the list of mutual fund companies registered in the SEC:
Peso Stock Funds
ATR KimEng Equity Opportunity Fund, Inc. (
DWS Deutsche Philippine Equity Fund, Inc
First Metro Save and Learn Equity Fund, Inc. (
Philam Strategic Growth Fund, Inc. (
Philequity Fund, Inc. (
Philequity PSE Index Fund Inc. (
Philippine Stock Index Fund Corp.
Sun Life Prosperity Phil. Equity Fund, Inc. (
United Fund, Inc. (
Peso Balanced Funds
ALFM Growth Fund, Inc (
First Galleon Family Fund, Inc.
First Metro Save and Learn Balanced Fund Inc. (
GSIS Mutual Fund, Inc.
MFMCP Kabuhayan Fund, Inc.
Optima Balanced Fund, Inc. (
Philam Fund, Inc. (
Sun Life Prosperity Balanced Fund, Inc. (
Foreign Currency Balanced Funds
Sun Life Prosperity Dollar Advantage Fund, Inc. (
Peso Bond Funds
ALFM Peso Bond Fund, Inc. (
Cocolife Fixed Income Fund, Inc.
DWS Deutsche Philippine Fixed Income Fund, Inc.
Ekklesia Mutual Fund Inc.
First Metro Save and Learn Fixed Income Fund, Inc. (
Philam Bond Fund, Inc. (
Philequity Peso Bond Fund, Inc. (
Prudentialife Fixed Income Fund Inc.
Sun Life Prosperity Bond Fund, Inc. (
Sun Life Prosperity GS Fund, Inc. (
Foreign Currency Bond Funds
AIG Global Bond Fund Phils.,Inc.
ALFM Dollar Bond Fund, Inc. (
ALFM Euro Bond Fund, Inc. (
Grepalife Dollar Bond Fund Corp.
Grepalife Fixed Income Fund Corp.
MAA Privilege Dollar Fixed Income Fund, Inc.
MAA Privilege Euro Fixed Income Fund, Inc.
Philam Dollar Bond Fund, Inc. (
Philequity Dollar Income Fund Inc. (
Sun Life Prosperity Dollar Abundance Fund, Inc. (
Peso Money Market Funds
ATR KimEng Money Market Fund, Inc. (
Philam Managed Income Fund, Inc. (
Sun Life Prosperity Money Market Fund, Inc. (
ALFM Money Market Fund, Inc. (
First Metro Save and Learn Money Market Fund, Inc. (
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Ronnie L. Albarda says
If I will invest in any mutual funds company and later on the company declare a business closure before the maturity date of my investment, is it possible to recover my investment?
Raymund Camat says
Yes you can recover your investment because your money is invested in stocks/bonds and not with the mutual fund company itself. The mutual fund company just manage your investments but they could not use it for other purposes other than what it is intended to.